Achp Programmatic Agreement Template

The ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template: Streamlining Cultural Resources Management

When it comes to managing cultural resources, there are numerous challenges that federal agencies and state offices must navigate. This includes meeting regulatory requirements, maintaining site preservation, and ensuring that cultural resources are considered in planning and decision-making processes. One tool that has been created to help address these challenges is the Programmatic Agreement Template developed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).

What is the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template?

The ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template is a standardized agreement that federal agencies and state offices can use to streamline the management of cultural resources. The template provides a framework for addressing cultural resource management requirements in a consistent and efficient manner.

The agreement is designed to meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and to consult with stakeholders, including state offices, Indian tribes, and the public. The Programmatic Agreement Template helps federal agencies to fulfill these requirements while minimizing delays, reducing costs, and ensuring that the management of cultural resources is done in a way that is sensitive to their value and significance.

How Does the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template Work?

The ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template includes a set of standard provisions that can be tailored to meet the needs of individual federal agencies or state offices. The provisions cover a range of cultural resource management topics, including the identification of historic properties, the evaluation of their significance, and the development of management strategies to preserve them.

The template also provides a set of procedures for the coordination and consultation that must take place between federal agencies, state offices, Indian tribes, and the public. By establishing clear lines of communication and consultation, the agreement helps to ensure that all stakeholders are heard and that their concerns are taken into account.

Benefits of Using the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template

There are numerous benefits to using the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template. One of the main benefits is that it streamlines the process of managing cultural resources by providing a standardized agreement that can be customized to fit individual circumstances. This reduces the time and resources required to manage cultural resources and ensures that the process is consistent across different agencies and stakeholders.

The agreement also helps to minimize delays by providing clear procedures for consultation and coordination. By establishing clear lines of communication and setting out a standard set of provisions, the agreement reduces the potential for misunderstandings or conflicts between stakeholders.

In addition, the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template helps to ensure that cultural resources are managed in a way that is sensitive to their value and significance. By requiring federal agencies to consider the impacts of their actions on historic properties, the agreement helps to ensure that these resources are preserved for future generations.


The ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template is a valuable tool for federal agencies and state offices that are responsible for managing cultural resources. By providing a standardized agreement that can be customized to fit individual circumstances, the template streamlines the process of managing cultural resources while ensuring that they are preserved and protected. With its clear procedures for consultation and coordination and its focus on preserving the value and significance of historic properties, the ACHP Programmatic Agreement Template is an essential tool for any agency or office involved in cultural resource management.